Monday, March 30, 2009

Thrive Downtown Greenville & Web 2.0

Downtown Greenville can be characterized with a variety of different adjectives – vibrant, buzzing, lively. All of these words describe the ‘now’ aspects of downtown. It’s modern, as is apparent by the myriad of corporate offices and glittering skyscrapers located on the picturesque streets; accessible, in part due to the boutiques, world-class restaurants, and the dozen coffee shops one encounters on every corner. It is also ‘cool’ and is an attractive weekend destination for area teens and their parents. But go downtown any day of the week and you are likely to encounter a pleasantly surprising mix of diverse individuals, superior cuisine, and a general ambiance that is unique to the international community of Greenville, South Carolina.

What describes the future growth of the downtown area? In a word, ‘thriving’. A word that encapsulates not only the past progress and re-innovation of downtown but also sets the stage for what is yet to come. The rejuvenation of the area was paved for even greater progress and it is this reinvention that has sparked the creation of the Downtown Greenville Development Initiative. To put it simply, the objective of the Initiative is to keep the ball rolling. The development of the new ‘Thrive Downtown’ campaign highlights the area’s burgeoning potential and is aimed at making what has been called ‘the South’s best kept secret’ a buzzword for its innovation, livability, and potential.

‘Thrive’: Creating A Tangible Presence
How is the Thrive campaign accomplishing this seemingly lofty goal? In a unique method that marries technology and one of the biggest trends of today: social networking. Thrive is creating a subtle yet undeniable presence – a marked contrast to the conventional marketing methods of aggressive exposure. The proliferation of Thrive on such social networking sites as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, will enable the Initiative to make the kind of connections that matter – at a very personal and individual level. It will allow both those interested in the welfare of downtown Greenville and those looking for relocation possibilities to be up to date on all aspects of life in the area. Whether it’s business opportunities or the search for the perfect cycling locations, Thrive Downtown pages will harness technology and all that Greenville has to offer in order to meet your needs.

To use the jargon of Web 2.0, it would definitely be in your best interest to ‘Become A Fan' on Facebook, ‘Follow Me’ on Twitter, or ‘Make a Connection’ on LinkedIn. ‘The Intellectual South’, the tagline of the Thrive Campaign, couldn’t be more appropriate.

Greenville In The News

Greenville generates interest in the national news…

1. Clemson University - Happiest Students: The Princeton Review recently ranked Clemson University as the institution with the “happiest students” in the nation. Full list

2. Greenville Ranks Among Forbes’ Best Cities For Jobs: Forbes’ list of the best cities for career prospects in 2008. Full list

3. Greenville Ranks Among Forbes’ Affordable Places to Weather the Downturn: Forbes’ list of U.S. cities that boast ‘well-priced homes, enviable job growth and proximity to vibrant cities’. Full list

4. One-tank trip: A visit to Greenville is one of pleasant surprise and exploration. Article

5. Competitive Cyclist: Experiences of a cyclist during a mountain training camp held in the Greenville area. Article

Greenville's DGDI & 'Thrive' Campaign Kick Off

Kym Petrie, Executive Director of the Downtown Greenville Development Initiative, has recently concluded the first leg of a business development tour aimed at generating interest in Downtown Greenville as a potential destination for corporations and small to midsized companies. The Downtown Greenville Development Initiative has spearheaded campaigning efforts through the creation of the ‘Thrive. Downtown Greenville South Carolina’ campaign. The goal of the Thrive campaign is to position Downtown Greenville as the low-cost solution to companies looking for areas in which to open branch, satellite, or regional offices. Thrive focuses on such personal aspects of the Greenville Downtown area as quality of life, livability, and activities that are offered.

The campaign website,, is now up and running...check it out.

Petrie has already visited Charlotte, Atlanta, Calgary, Vancouver, and Toronto, where she has introduced and presented the conceptualization of downtown Greenville as an option for companies considering relocation or expansion. In addition to site selectors, presentations with CEO’s and lawyers representing multinational organizations are also conducted by Petrie, in an effort to create mutually beneficial relationships with a variety of companies, of all sizes and spanning a range of industries. Non-profit committees have been organized in order to review and select possible targets for potential future points of contact.

The objectives of the Thrive campaign are to highlight to the unique ambiance and amenities of downtown Greenville and use that as a starting off point to attract organizations to the area. Through this, the DGDI aims to expand the economy of the region by bringing a variety of business to downtown Greenville. Petrie is also set to visit Virginia and D.C. areas in the near future as the next stage of the Initiative’s business development tour.